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Student Surveys

What policies are in place around conducting student surveys?
Inver Grove Heights Schools follows ISD 199 Policy 520 when conducting student surveys. The policy states, “Student surveys may be conducted as determined necessary by the school district. Surveys, analyses and evaluations conducted as part of any program funded through the U.S. Department of Education must comply with 20 U.S.C. § 1232h.” In accordance with the policy, ISD 199 provides written notice to parents before a student survey is administered and allows them to opt their child out.

The policy does not require that parents opt their child into taking any surveys because of the extensive burden on families to respond and on staff to administer the request for response and then track opt-ins and opt-outs.  

Critical Race Theory

Does ISD 199 teach Critical Race Theory?
No. ISD 199 does not teach Critical Race Theory. As you may have heard elsewhere, Critical Race Theory is a framework for legal analysis that has been around since the 1970s and is taught in college and law school classes, not in K-12.

Is “My Culture, Your Culture” professional development connected to Critical Race Theory?
No. ISD 199 does not teach Critical Race Theory to students or staff. You may have heard about a professional development training we hold for our new teachers called "My Culture, Your Culture, and Success in the Classroom." The training helps our teachers understand how they can offer a range of opportunities that fit with each student's academic needs. Teachers learn how to incorporate a mix of independent work and collaborative work into their lessons, they learn about the different ways children communicate, and they explore new ways that students can demonstrate their learning. The goal of the training is to ensure that our teachers are helping students master skills and be successful in our classrooms.