IGHMS Announcement 1/26/24
Published on Jan 26, 2024 15:26

   Inver Grove Heights Middle School Announcements

Anuncios de la escuela secundaria Inver Grove Heights

January 26 / 26 de enero

Chipotle Dine Out:

 PTSA Fundraising Event Alert! 

Get ready for a delicious way to support our school! Join us for a Dine Out night at the NEW Chipotle in IGH:

 Date: Wednesday, January 31st  

Time: 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm  

Location: 5697 Blaine Ave E, IGH

How It Works: Chipotle will generously donate 33% of sales to our school.
Help us reach our goal of $150 in sales to unlock the donation!
When ordering in-store, mention the fundraiser.
Ordering online? Use code CTH38AT during checkout.

Your support makes a significant impact on our school community. Mark your calendars and let's make this fundraiser a fiesta to remember!



We will also be running a Crew Car Wash fundraiser for the month of February.  Parents can purchase car washes from a link and we will earn 50% of the sales. Could you please review, make any adjustments and approve this for the announcements on Friday this week only? We'll send another one starting Feb.1 that includes the link.

Crew Car Wash

 Teaser Alert: Get Ready to Shine!

Guess what's rolling in this February?  It's the Crew Car Wash Fundraiser! Get ready to show your support and make a splash for our school. 

When: Entire Month of February  

Location: 1949 S Robert St, West St Paul, MN 55118. 

Stay tuned for more details on how you can make a clean difference just by getting your car washed. 

Attention Middle School Traveling Basketball Players: The Simley Varsity Girls Basketball team would like to invite you to our upcoming home game on Tuesday, Feb 6th at 6:15pm for "Youth Night".  Any interested youth will be admitted free of charge along with a parent. Wear your traveling basketball jersey.  Girls and boys will join our varsity players by forming a tunnel before the pre-game warm-ups. Youth are also welcome down on the court before the game where they will stand with varsity for the National Anthem.

Atenci?n, jugadores de baloncesto que viajan de la escuela secundaria: El equipo de baloncesto femenino de Simley Varsity desea invitarlos a nuestro pr?ximo partido en casa el martes 6 de febrero a las 6:15 p. m. para la "Noche de la Juventud". Cualquier joven interesado ser? admitido de forma gratuita junto con uno de sus padres. Lleva tu camiseta de baloncesto de viaje. Las ni?as y los ni?os se unir?n a nuestros jugadores universitarios formando un t?nel antes del calentamiento previo al juego. Los j?venes tambi?n son bienvenidos a la cancha antes del juego, donde estar?n con el equipo universitario para escuchar el Himno Nacional.

Online Homework Help in English and Spanish

Our students have access to online help with their homework at gothomework.org. This is sponsored by the Twin Cities Metro E-Library (MELSA). Tutoring is offered 7 days per week from 1:00pm to 11:00pm in English and Spanish for grades K-12. Students need to connect with their public library card. Their library card number is 199 + 6-digit Student ID number. Students can visit the Dakota County Public Library page (https://www.co.dakota.mn.us/libraries) and select "Forgot my PIN" to set up their PIN number with their library card number. 

Ayuda con las tareas en l?nea en ingl?s y espa?ol

Nuestros estudiantes tienen acceso a ayuda en l?nea con su tarea en gothomework.org. Esto est? patrocinado por la biblioteca electr?nica Twin Cities Metro (MELSA). La tutor?a se ofrece los 7 d?as de la semana de 1:00 p. m. a 11:00 p. m. en ingl?s y espa?ol para los grados K-12. Los estudiantes deben conectarse con su tarjeta de la biblioteca p?blica. Su n?mero de tarjeta de biblioteca es 199 + n?mero de identificaci?n de estudiante de 6 d?gitos. Los estudiantes pueden visitar la p?gina de la Biblioteca P?blica del Condado de Dakota (https://www.co.dakota.mn.us/libraries) y seleccionar "Olvid? mi PIN" para configurar su n?mero PIN con su n?mero de tarjeta de la biblioteca.


Spartan Newsflash Newsies are proud to release the 2nd edition of the newspaper! Please take a few minutes to look at their hard work: https://www.isd199.org/schools/ighms/newspaper.


?Spartan Newsflash Newsies se enorgullece de lanzar la segunda edici?n del peri?dico! T?mese unos minutos para ver su arduo trabajo: https://www.isd199.org/schools/ighms/newspaper.




Attention 8th grade parents:


Simley will be hosting the 8th Grade Parent Night on Jan. 30th at 6pm in the Simley High School Spartan Center. Simley administration and guidance counselors will be covering topics such as credits, classes, activities and student expectations for incoming 9th Graders. They will also give you a tour of the building and answer any questions that you may have about activities and academics. We encourage all incoming 9th grade families to attend this event. Hope to see you there!




Atenci?n padres de 8vo grado:


Simley ser? el anfitri?n de la Noche de Padres de 8vo Grado el 30 de enero a las 6pm en el Centro Spartan de Simley High School. La administraci?n de Simley y los consejeros de orientaci?n estar?n cubriendo temas tales como cr?ditos, clases, actividades y las expectativas de los estudiantes para los entrantes de 9 ? Grado. Tambi?n le dar? un tour del edificio y responder a cualquier pregunta que usted pueda tener acerca de las actividades y acad?micos. Animamos a todas las familias de grado 8 a asistir a este evento. ?Esperamos verlos all?! Si necesita un int?rprete de espa?ol para este evento, por favor p?ngase en contacto con Abbie Losinski al 651-955-6610.





3-on-3 Basketball Tournament

Students in grades 6-8 are invited to a 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament on February 10, starting at 10 AM at the VMCC gym. Teams of up to 4 players can register for the tournament. Registration closes Friday, February 2. Click here for details. 


Torneo de baloncesto 3 contra 3

Los estudiantes de 6? a 8? grado est?n invitados a un torneo de baloncesto 3 contra 3 el 10 de febrero, a partir de las 10:00 a.m. en el gimnasio de VMCC. Pueden registrarse equipos de hasta 4 jugadores para el torneo. La inscripci?n cierra el viernes 2 de febrero. Haga clic aqu? para obtener m?s detalles.



SPARC a Conversation

One of the many challenges of raising kids is having difficult conversations. Even parents who have strong relationships with their teens can benefit from guidance on discussing topics that can be awkward or tense, like underage drinking, vaping, and drug use. 

Research shows that when kids know their parents? expectations and rules regarding drinking, vaping, and marijuana use, they are less likely to use. The key to making big, difficult conversations easier is having small, open conversations more often. 

That?s why SPARC is providing some weekly conversation starters to help parents jumpstart this important dialogue. Your discussion with your teen can ultimately encourage them to make the healthiest, most responsible decisions for themselves.


SPARC is a vaping, alcohol, and marijuana use prevention program at Simley High School and IGH Middle School. Our mission is to reduce underage vaping, alcohol, and marijuana use. SPARC is looking for parents who are interested in working toward our mission and making our community a healthier place for our youth. Anyone interested can reach out to Amy Powers-Johnson at 651-785-8760 or [email protected].

Monday: Would you want to be famous and why?

Tuesday: When was the last time you cried?

Wednesday: Based on your social media posts, what would you say people would know about you?

Thursday: What topic would you argue or stand your ground on the most?

Friday: What are your top 2 songs on your playlist right now?

SPARC a Conversation (Entablar una conversaci?n)

Uno de los muchos retos que plantea la educaci?n de los hijos es mantener conversaciones dif?ciles. Incluso los padres que tienen una buena relaci?n con sus hijos adolescentes pueden beneficiarse de una gu?a para hablar de temas que pueden resultar inc?modos o tensos, como el consumo de alcohol por menores, el vapeo y el consumo de drogas.

Los estudios demuestran que cuando los ni?os conocen las expectativas y normas de sus padres sobre el consumo de alcohol, tabaco y marihuana, es menos probable que consuman. La clave para facilitar las grandes conversaciones dif?ciles es mantener peque?as conversaciones abiertas m?s a menudo.

Por este motivo, SPARC ofrece una serie de temas de conversaci?n semanales que pueden ayudar a los padres a iniciar este importante di?logo. Su conversaci?n con el adolescente puede animarle a tomar las decisiones m?s sanas y responsables para s? mismo.

SPARC s un programa de prevenci?n del consumo de tabaco, alcohol y marihuana en la escuela secundaria de Simley y en la IGH Middle School. Nuestra misi?n es reducir el consumo de alcohol y marihuana en menores de edad. SPARC est? buscando padres que est?n interesados en trabajar hacia nuestra misi?n y hacer de nuestra comunidad un lugar m?s saludable para nuestros j?venes. Cualquier persona interesada puede ponerse en contacto con Amy Powers-Johnson en 651-785-8760 o [email protected].

El lunes: ?Le gustar?a ser famoso y por qu??

El martes: ?Cu?ndo fue la ?ltima vez que lloraste?

El mi?rcoles: Bas?ndose en tus publicaciones en las redes sociales, ?qu? dir?as que la gente sabe de ti?

El jueves: ?Sobre qu? tema discutir?as m?s o te mantendr?as firme?

El viernes: ?Cu?les son las 2 mejores canciones de tu lista de reproducci?n en este momento?


Parents and Guardians- Attendance Notification News!

We now have an ATTENDANCE EMAIL. Parents/Guardians, you can now use email to notify IGHMS about student absences.

Please email us at  [email protected]. Please make sure to add your students name, grade, and the reason for the absence. These emails can only come from the legal parent/guardians listed in Campus. 

If preferred, parents and guardians can still call the attendance line at 651-306-7878.

Padres y tutores: ?Noticias de notificaci?n de asistencia!

Ya tenemos un CORREO ELECTR?NICO DE ASISTENCIA. Padres/tutores, ahora pueden usar el correo electr?nico para notificar a IGHMS sobre las ausencias de los estudiantes.

Env?enos un correo electr?nico a [email protected]. Aseg?rese de agregar el nombre de su estudiante, el grado y el motivo de la ausencia. Estos correos electr?nicos solo pueden provenir de los padres/tutores legales que figuran en Campus.

Si lo prefieren, los padres y tutores a?n pueden llamar a la l?nea de asistencia al 651-306-7878.


Dear Parents & Families of School District 199 Students in Grades K-8,

All middle school students must be accompanied by an adult to sports events. Any student not accompanied by an adult will be turned away at the door. 

Todos los estudiantes de secundaria deben estar acompa?ados por un adulto a TODOS los 

eventos deportivos. Cualquier estudiante que no est? acompa?ado por un adulto ser? rechazado en la puerta.


Check out what?s happening at IGHMS!

Follow us on Twitter @IGHMS_Spartans and Instagram IGHMS_Spartans



?Mira lo que est? sucediendo en IGHMS!

S?ganos en Twitter @IGHMS_Spartans e Instagram IGHMS_Spartans