Simley Announcements 9-22-20
Published on Sep 22, 2020 14:10


Tri 1 Study Hall Releases
Study Hall Release forms are available in the main office for all students with a study hall at the beginning or end of their school day.  Study hall releases will not be permitted for students who have a study hall in the middle of their school day.

There is no lunch release this year for any students.  All students must each lunch in their designated areas.

Are you interested in theatre?
We will have 2 sessions for the first trimester, one for group A and one for group B. Groups will be meeting on the days you are in-person at school.
No need to audition but spots are limited. We will be showcasing your acting/building skills and have two productions of either combined monologue/one act set building/painting/props or costumes. The start date for Group A is Oct 5th for schedule hand out and for Group B is Oct 8th for schedule handout.  Please contact Jim Davis with any questions.

Repeat Announcements:

Are you ready to take the ACT?
ACT Prep course will help you do your best.  Class starting at Simley on Sept 21st.

Ready to roll? Don't wait! Register today for Driver’s Education classes starting Sept 28th. The Minnesota Department of Public Safety has approved a variance to State statutes that temporarily allows for teleconference driver’s ed instruction, so these courses will be done online.


Simley Activities for today:  Metro East Conference Schedules