Simley Announcements 2-5-19
Published on Feb 5, 2019 12:50

REMINDER  - The IMC, the Student Center and the Spartan Center are closed all of 5th hour. You must stay in the cafeteria during your lunch period.


Dress Up Days are:

Tuesday, Flannel Day

Wednesday - College/Career Day (Dress as the career you would like to have in the future or the college that you would like to attend)

Thursday - Throwback Thursday

Friday - School Spirit

The Medallion hunt continues…..

Medallion hunt rules are as follows:

1. The medallion is hidden in Simley High School.

2. Medallion hunt will only be allowed from 7-7:35 am. It will be removed during hours 1-7 and after school.

3. Any destruction of school property will result in a cancellation of the medallion hunt.

4. Winner will receive 2 free dance tickets.

5. There will be 1 new clue at the end of announcements every day.Good luck!

Clue #1 (Monday a.m.)

The medallion is what you seek

This journey is not for the meak

Look where the sun sets

Up or down, it’s your best bet



Clue #2 (Tuesday a.m.)

Near displays of art,

And translucent light

Lies something of merit

That is larger than life


Attention All 6th-12th grade students - Auditions for the Spring play “West Side Story” are on Monday, February 4 and Tuesday, February 5, with callbacks to follow if needed. Students should sign up for one day or the other- sign up sheets are posted outside the theatre.

TOMORROW - Attention Softball Players - If you are planning to play Softball this Spring, please plan to attend a preseason player meeting at 2:45 p.m. on Wednesday, February 6 in the Spartan Center.  

Upcoming College Visits:

A representative from the following colleges will be visiting Simley at the specified dates and times. If you are interested in learning more about a college and hearing from an admission representative from their school, sign-up and get a pass from Ms. Kimble in the Student Center.

Vermillion Community College will be here on Wednesday, February 6th @ 9:45 AM






Attention Parents - If you are calling in to report an absence and would like to go directly to the Attendance line, please call 651-306-7010.  

Attention Students - Wearing of hats or hoods is not allowed during the school day.  If you have any questions, please see an administrator.

Attention 9-12th grade Baseball Players & Parents - Mark your calendars, there will be a preseason Simley Baseball meeting on Monday, February 11th at 7pm in the Simley Spartan Center.

Teens for Jeans Drive -   February 4 - February 22

22nd!!  Donate any size, gently used jeans for homeless shelters in the IGH community. Please drop the jeans off in the donation box located in the Guidance office.

Guest contracts for the Snowball dance which will be on Saturday, February 23rd are available in Ms. Wang's office. Guest tickets will not be sold until contracts are signed by Ms. Klukas. They are due back on or before Wednesday, February 20.

Seniors, please turn in your baby photos, senior photos, and senior survey by February 14th if you want to be in the senior section of the yearbook. Photos should be sent to [email protected]. Valentines Day is the last day the yearbook staff will be accepting these items. See Ms. Hensch if you have any questions.

Simley Trap Shooting Spring 2019 Key Dates and Information

Registration for the 2019 Spring Trap season will be open on Feb. 8th. Trap is open to all 7th-12th Grade Simley Students.

Below are some key dates for Returning or New athletes:

Tuesday, February 12:  Simley Spartan Center - 6:00 pm Parent information meeting (More time specific details to follow)

Friday, March 8th: Team Registration Deadline

Saturday, March 9th:            Pre –Season Primer and Lifetouch Photo event SSP Gun Club (More time specific details to follow)

Monday, April 1st :    Start of the Season

Saturday  April 13th:              Last day to complete Required Minnesota DNR Firearms Safety Certificate Field day(New Athletes)

A 2019 draft schedule can be found at the following Link: Simley Trap 2019 Google Calendar

Have a question for Coach Paul Tinucci or Team Manager Shawn Ockwig? Contact us at [email protected]

Reminder to Simley students - You are NOT allowed to be in the middle school. This includes cutting through the middle school in the morning and afternoons when arriving to or leaving from school.


Simley Activities for today:  Metro East Conference Schedules